I wonder what they are thinking ........

On our way home from preschool, Gracie told me that she had corn stuck up her nose. In class they did a project where they took corn cobs and rolled them in paint and then rolled them on paper. Anything involving paint Gracie totally loves but apparently some of the dried kernels fell off her ear and they just needed to be in her nose instead. I was worried because they were dry and I didn't want them expanding in her moist nose. After a lot of hard blowing and serious praying they came out.

Crew was complaining of pain and Gracie said"maybe it's hurting because of the silver thing you ate" Don't swallow things that you aren't supposed to and your stomach won't hurt. I tried to figure out what it was that he had swallowed. When Aaron came home from work Crew was still complaining. Aaron thought maybe it could be a battery. After looking at lots of pictures online of button batteries we found one that Crew identified as what he had swallowed. Aaron called poison control to see what they had to say. I had no idea swallowing a battery was so dangerous. We had to take him to the ER immediately. After two hours batteries start to corrode and start burning the esophagus either by the acid leaking out causing chemical burns or the electrical current causing electrical burns. The plan was to knock him out and go down with a scope and tongs and pull out the battery. The anesthesiologist had finished explaining to Crew what was going on and Aaron was finishing up all the paper work. Just before the Dr. put the needle into Crew's IV he told the Dr he felt like he was going to throw up. The Dr. said that is a common feeling when you have something stuck inside. Crew started throwing up and miraculously puked out the battery. The Dr. didn't even know what to do. He said this has never happened before I guess we will do an x-ray again. We were so relieved that he didn't need surgery. They still had to keep him over night for observation and insure there were no complications or infection.

Here's the battery on the right. It was lodged behind his heart in his esophagus. In the x-ray he looked like Iron Man. So now Crew has a new nick name to add to the list. When he swallowed the battery it was shiny and you could even see the words on it. After about 4 hours inside it was almost completely black. He was sore for awhile and couldn't eat much but thankfully he was fully recovered in time to enjoy a fabulous Thanksgiving feast.
LOL Kids!!! I tell ya they will do anything to scare us to death:) I'm glad that they are both ok! Thank you so much for your comment! I totally agree that unless you have gone through it, you can't fully understand the pain that comes from something as devistating as a miscarriage. It deffinately has not been easy... But those quotes I posted on my blog have really helped us. Unfortunately even with the knowledge we have about eternity it doesn't take all of the pain away:( But each day I can feel my self getting stronger.
at least they are honest about the foriegn objets they put in their bodies, right?
You are lucky that both foreign objects came out so successfully! did you ever see my post about Makenna sticking a gum wrapper up her nose--not fun! Why do they do things like that? Glad everyone is now healthy and safe...at least until next time! :)
Well don't you have some crazy things going on with your kids!! All I have to say is I think Crew must have thought he was the energizer bunny and Gracie is discovering new ways to make popcorn!! haha! Glad everything turned out okay! Clara loves GRacie! She came home from church talking all about her friend Gracie. I think they are kindred spirits b/c they just love each other. Too bad we don't live there. Clara is in need of a friend!
oh my gosh!! I can't believe that! That is funny and scary! I am glad they both came out so easily!!
Terra, i can't believe that! Thank goodness he told you! We should've met up to go shopping while I was in Vegas- next time we'll have to do that. It slipped my mind that you lived there! Glad your kids are ok!
Crew definitely keeps you on your toes!! At least you got the corn out of Gracie's nose before it started sprouting! Remember Emily Hellwig and the bean in her ear? You certainly do not need a repeat of that!
That's crazy!!!! Children are amazing.
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